Neidio i'r prif gynnwys

Health Care Assistants (2 permanent posts at 36hrs per week)

Dyddiad cau 12/05/2024


Hospice of the Valleys


  • Blaenau Gwent
    • Pob ardal


Oriau contract
Llawn Amser
Math o gontract
£24141 - £26492 y flwyddyn
Maes gofal
Gofal cymdeithasol
Gwasanaethau Cartref Gofal
Gweithiwr Cymorth Gofal Cartref

Disgrifiad o'r swydd

1: Job Summary:
The post holder will be a member of the Hospice at Home team and will undertake a broad range of duties relating to the care of patients with diverse end stage palliative conditions within their own homes, primarily working night shifts. The post holder will provide practical and emotional help and support for named patients at home through the final stages of their illness and into bereavement as directed by the Registered Manager, Deputy Head of Clinical Services and the patients Clinical Nurse Specialist.

Main Responsibilities

Sut i wneud cais

E-bostiwch y cyflogwr am y swydd hon a darganfod sut i wneud cais

Dewch o hyd i swydd mewn gofal plant

Os ydych chi'n ystyried gyrfa mewn gofal, edrychwch ar ein bwrdd swyddi i gael syniad o'r math o rolau sy'n fanteisiol.