Flying Start Social Care Officer
Vale of Glamorgan County Council / Cyngor Bro Morgannwg
Bro Morgannwg
- Pob ardal
- Math o gontract
- Dros dro
- Cyflog
- £14.84 yr awr
- Maes gofal
- Gofal cymdeithasol
- Gweithle
- Cynllunio a chomisiynu gofal cymdeithasol
- Rôl
- Swyddog cymorth ar gyfer cynllunio a chomisiynu gofal cymdeithasol
Disgrifiad o'r swydd
About usThe Vale of Glamorgan is welcoming applications within its Flying Start Programme. Flying Start is a Welsh Government funded programme and is available in targeted areas supporting all families to give 0-3-year olds a Flying Start in life. The programme aims to provide intensive support services for children and their families.
The focus of the programme is on promoting language, cognitive, social and emotional skills, physical development and the early identification of high needs. This is achieved through the delivery of health support and guidance, parenting groups and support and free part time childcare.
Sut i wneud cais
Gweld disgrifiad llawn y swydd a gwneud cais ar wefan y cyflogwyr
Gwneud cais ar-leinDewch o hyd i swydd mewn gofal plant
Os ydych chi'n ystyried gyrfa mewn gofal, edrychwch ar ein bwrdd swyddi i gael syniad o'r math o rolau sy'n fanteisiol.