[Internal] Project Officer - Community Intervention Team
Torfaen County Borough Council / Cyngor Bwrdeistref Sirol Torfaen
- Pob ardal
- Oriau contract
- Rhan Amser
- Math o gontract
- Parhaol
- Cyflog
- £27269 - 30060 y flwyddyn
Disgrifiad o'r swydd
INTERNAL JOB - this vacancy is only available to Torfaen County Borough Council (TCBC) employees and agency workers currently engaged with TCBC.It is vital that you demonstrate how you meet the 'essential' criteria listed in the attached Person Specification, in order to secure an interview: How to apply - guidance for applicants | Torfaen County Borough Council.
Sut i wneud cais
Gweld disgrifiad llawn y swydd a gwneud cais ar wefan y cyflogwyr
Gwneud cais ar-leinDewch o hyd i swydd mewn gofal plant
Os ydych chi'n ystyried gyrfa mewn gofal, edrychwch ar ein bwrdd swyddi i gael syniad o'r math o rolau sy'n fanteisiol.