Mudiad Meithrin is looking for staff and apprentices to work in its playgroups and nurseries.

A major recruitment drive is underway to employ more Welsh-medium childcare staff across Wales.
Are you passionate about working with children and believe in giving children the best start possible by giving them the opportunity to play, learn and grow through the Welsh language?
Mudiad Meithrin is looking for part-time and full-time staff to help assist with the national shortage of Welsh-medium childcare in its Cylchoedd Meithrin (Welsh-medium playgroups) and Welsh/bilingual day nurseries.
It is also seeking motivated and enthusiastic individuals to join its apprenticeship scheme, which offers opportunities to develop and learn new skills while working with children up to the age of five.
For more information on their apprenticeship scheme visit their employers page.
You don’t need to have the perfect Welsh to find the perfect job. Mudiad Meithrin offers plenty of support for Welsh learners as well as fluent speakers and provides various training programmes for all levels and abilities.
What is Mudiad Meithrin?
Mudiad Meithrin is the leading early year’s specialist in Wales and is passionate about giving every child the opportunity to play, learn and grow in Welsh. Its aim is to promote education and child development in children under five, through the medium of Welsh in Cylchoedd Meithrin and Cylchoedd Ti a Fi (parent/guardian and toddler groups).
Mudiad Meithrin employs more than 200 staff nationally, with a further 1,500 staff working in Cylchoedd Meithrin across Wales.
What jobs are available?
The aim of a Cylch Meithrin is to promote the education and development of children from two years old to school age while enjoying the company of other children and learning through play with competent, friendly and enthusiastic staff.
There are a variety of jobs throughout Wales, from working in Cylchoedd Meithrin or bilingual day nursery. They range from assistants, deputy leaders to leaders and there is the opportunity to develop within Mudiad Meithrin. A recognised early years qualification is required for the job as well as previous experience in a childcare setting.
"This is the best choice I made" says Manon Ifans.
After passing her GCSEs, she decided to go on to study the CACHE Level 3 course in Children's Care, Play, Learning and Development with Mudiad Meithrin's Cam wrth Gam Schools scheme.
Manon said that she had always enjoyed working with children and felt that the course would suit her better than A-Levels. Completing the qualification helped Manon decide on her career path and it enabled her to go on to Bangor University to study a degree in Childhood Studies.
She said:
"I learned so much while doing the Cam wrth Gam course and it has definitely helped me gain confidence in myself. This is the best choice I made. ”
After graduating in 2018, Manon applied for a job as an assistant at a Cylch Meithrin and she has now been a leader for almost a year.
Manon added: "Since working here I have had so many opportunities to attend great training courses and have been on many interesting Academi courses over the years. And on top of all this the kids make me laugh every day and I love seeing them develop. "
Manon has three words to describe her work - fun, tiring and exciting!